my sign in page, work in progress. I was going for a restaurant menu type of thing. Still deciding on what to draw, and would probably type the recipes on a separate piece of 3.5 x 5.5 paper, place it in the moleskine back pocket, and stick it at the back page later.
thats a great start :-)
Are you saying that you would like us not to paste or draw on the back of your pages? and that you would prefer us to do it on a separate piece of paper for you to have in your back pocket?
I haven't got my moly yet.....but I anm enjoying the research, I love cookery books:-)
I like it. I have yet to figure mine out.
Thanks guys.
Lynne, come to think of it... yes I would prefer to have the recipes separate and in the back pocket of my moly. This way theres no chance of anything bleeding to the drawing side of the book. also if the recipe is long, it can be typed to a bigger size paper and just folded to 3.5x11, what do you think?
Im also enjoying research on cook books these days, I think my eyes just gained 3 lbs. tee hee :P
I like the way your put the sigining page like a menu. I was also concerning about writing a recipe on the back as it might ruin the image on the front. Maybe we can type or write on another sheet then attach on the back or in the pocket as you suggested? My moleskin book hasn't arrive yet from Amazon...
my b ook hasn't arrived yet :-( I suppose its a busy time of year for amazon.......
I would still like mine on the back of my pages....pasted on would be good, written in pencil would be fine and wouldn't bleed through either......I like the idea of keeping it all together, i am terrible at losing bits of paper , plus I don't mind the book geting creaky and fat and full of foody goodness :-)
and Donna I know what you mean about eyes putting on weight :-))
It may be best for all of us to put instructions if we want recipes to be put in the moly a certain way. That way we all get it the way each individual prefers.
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