Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ok, so there is an event in San Diego called University Heights Arts Open.  this year it is coinciding with the even Taste of University Heights and they are asking for art to display with a food theme.  I read the article and immediately thought of our molys!! I would have to turn in a representative image by july 2nd, and if they chose it, the moly(s) would be on display sep. 4-20th but after the preview party on the 4th, i could take it home if i chose. this is sort of a random idea, but i was thinking it would be really interesting and a rather cool experience. I dont really know the best way of doing it....i could just turn in the one that i would have in september, or maybe if others want to send me more and we could do multiple (i of course would send it back after the event is over)....
just an idea, if you think it would mess up the rotation and times feel free to shoot it down, i wouldnt be hurt. i just thought it was too cool to not let my other foodies know about!!


Anonymous said...

That sounds really fun to me! It'd be a great way to promote the moly_x phenomenon and just have some fun. I say go for it!


Michael Nightmare said...

I agree I think we should go for it.

Lynne said...

Ok ...will you deal with all the choice of images etc will it be a full(ish) spread or an individual entry?

this sounds very exciting!!! september it is even possible that will will have finished a full round I there would be plenty of impressive books to choose from...I would send whichever one I had with me to you for that date...

Lynne said...

Hi Morissa, have you decided on an image yet? Let us know how things are going won't you!

Morissa said...

Alright, so i think im going to turn in a picture of Donnas book because it is the one i currently have. it contains Welsh Rarebit, Clam Chowder, Mussel and Prawn Pasta, and Roasted Lamb on a split. I still need to do my entry! So, maybe whoever has this moleskine in september, i can just have them send it to me, and then i will send it back when its done? or should i just keep it until september? thoughts?

Lynne said...

Morissa that sounds like my book....I would like it if it continued on its journey as much as possible please, I would be willing to send it back if it reached me by september......
how are you submitting the jpeg or in real life?

Morissa said...

Ok Lynne! I submitted pictures of it, and actually got a response. they would really love the book to be included this year. I understand that you would like yours to continue in the circle, so if it gets to you by the time i need it back, you could send it my way, or if you dont feel comfortable doing that, i will just use the one that i will be working on in the month of September. Sound good to all?

Morissa said...

oh, but in the real exhibit, i would need to use an acutal moly, not an image!

Lynne said...

that sounds fine to me! I wonder if they would like more than one book .....

oh and lets not send any books to Cavidanny until we hear from him....the silence is a little worrying....

Michael Nightmare said...

Should I then be expecting a book from Donna then?

Lynne said...

If we haven't heard from Danny by the next postal date then yes, you will get the moly from Donna. the next postal date would be the end of this month (july ), but I really hope we have heard from Danny before then......

Marty Harris said...

Hi, y'all. Hey Morissa. I am sorry that I didn't know about this sooner. It's a really nice opportunity. Great job folks, thanks Morissa.

Do you have the call for entries/article you read about the show? I'd love to see it. If you get into the show will you be able to document it?

The show in Rochester used actual books, . Another way to hang an actual book would be to use bulldog clips at regular intervals across the top of the book and hang it from push pins or small nails.

I'm going to enter a couple of books in shows this fall. Not sure yet if I'm going to scan them and use a digital print, or use the books.

Really looking forward to find out how the food show works out. The cooperative art thing is such a great hook. Food and art, real recipes and cooperative art ventures. Too good to be real.

Marty Harris said...

Jenn, thanks for letting me know about this.

If there is anything that you think I might be able to help with, let me know.

I was thinking that if you don't think that you are going to make the entry deadline, we could call some with the show and plead. We can tell them about the challenges of working with 7 people around the planet.

Morissa said...

So i did get a response from them, and they would love to have our books in the exhibit. Its unclear whether they would like multiple, or just one. Unfortunately, I wont be in San Diego at the time it is being displayed because I will be in Baltimore for school. but my parents offered to take it in and send it to me and such, and they would be happy to document it while its on display. this is quite exciting!

Marty Harris said...


When do they absolutely need the books? Is there anyone who might like to send a book or a print of the book? I wish moly_x (I) could afford to pay for digital prints of books for such events.

I love your parents. It is so generous of them to help out like this. Please send a big THANKS form moly_x. Please send photos to put on moly_x_life,

Have fun in Baltimore.

Michael Nightmare said...

Morissa let me know about where and when as well I can prob make it down there since it's not that far away from me.

Morissa said...

heres the link to the participant page! we are the top right one. the picture is small because of the width of it.
quite exciting though!!
and michael, the address and dates are all on the website. University Heights is near Downtown San Diego. and i believe the event is September 4th and they go on exhibit through the 20th. but we can take it out whenever we want. and i will defiantly post pictures when its done!

Lynne said...

Fantastic! thanks for the link :-)

Heres an idea, Morrisa if you were to complete your entry and send it on to Jenn as soon as possible, and then if Jenn was up for it she could fast forward her entry, I could do my entry and definitely get it back to you in time.

Sadly it looks like Cavi has gone on holiday or something....perhaps he will be back soon ( I really hope so as we weere doing so well... :-( ) so skip Cavi until further notice, but as we are so close to the end of our books and with the potential of exhibiting at the end perhaps we could speed up our entries and then Morissa could present the organisers with a choice?
what does everyone think about speeding things up a bit? how far have you all got with this months entry.....mine is ready to go to Donna, and sadly its Cavidannys book, complete (other than Donnas entry).....perhaps we could put it in the exhibition until we hear otherwise?

Donna said...

Lynne -That's a great idea. So after my entry to Michaels book, should i skip Calvin and just send this book back home to Michael?
and after my entry to Calvins book who should I send it to?

Calvin - PLEASE give us an update soon, I am feeling a little bit antsy for the 2 books (jen's and morissa's) I sent you with no word since May/June? :-(

Lynne said...

until we hear from Calvin we must skip him I'm afraid....yes send michaels book back home and then Michael can decide if he wants to send it for the exhibition...
when you have done your entry in Calvins book send it to Morissa ( unless Calvin tells us not to)....the problem is, we don't even know if he is even at the same address until we hear from him, so posting it back to him might mean it would get lost....oh dear, where are you Calvin ...

Donna said...

Ok, that sounds like a reasonable plan. I will flickr mail Michael and Morissa for their mailing address as soon as I am ready to post

Anonymous said...

I will do my entry as soon as I get the next book. Just let me know what you need. :)
